
Anna Ticho (Czechia 1894–1980 Jerusalem)
Jerusalem, ca. 1968
Lithograph, h. 27 1/6 x w. 21 9/16 in.
Cincinnati Skirball Museum, gift of Nancy M. Berman and Alan J. Bloch, 2018.15


Ticho came to Jerusalem from Vienna when she was sixteen. She spent two years in Damascus during World War I while her husband served with the Austrian army. When she first arrived in Israel, she brought with her from Vienna memories of prominent painters such as Klimt, Schiele, and Kokoschka and old masters whose drawings she saw at the Albertina Library.

Ticho is known for her beautiful landscape drawings of Jerusalem and its surrounding Judean Hills. She focused on nature and the stony surface of the naked mountains without any human trace aside from a few secluded houses. Ever-varying, deeply sensitive, and acutely perceptive, Ticho continually renewed her interpretation of every hillside, the changing sky, each flower and thistle.


The Ticho residence in Jerusalem was bequeathed to the Israel Museum several years ago and is now used as a center for art activities and for a permanent exhibition of Anna Ticho’s work.