Revelation: The Burning Bush

David Holleman (Arlington, MA 1927–2020 Lexington, MA)
USA, 1960’s
Stained glass with epoxy edge gluing mounted on plate glass, h. 8 ft. x w. 5.5 ft.
Dedicated in memory of Sarah Rosen, Harry Fishman, and Anna and Louis Kurtzman.
Cincinnati Skirball Museum, gift of Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills, formerly Temple Beth El, Quincy, MA and Temple Shalom, Milton, MA, 2015.1.3a/b

Revelation is a two panel window which depicts the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. In the book of Exodus, God spoke to Moses through a bush on fire that was not consumed by the flames, saying, “This is My name forever, My remembrance for all time.” This two panel window includes the words from Exodus, Shalach et ami- “Let My People Go.” The artist exaggerated the Hebrew letters so that they appear like flames that burned, but would not destroy the bush.