Mount Sinai: The Giving of the Ten Commandments

David Holleman (Arlington, MA 1927–2020 Lexington, MA)
USA, 1965
Stained glass with epoxy edge gluing mounted on plate glass, h. 5 ft. x w. 5ft.
Dedicated in 1965.
Cincinnati Skirball Museum, gift of Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills, formerly Temple Beth El, Quincy, MA and Temple Shalom, Milton, MA, 2015.1.6

This window held pride of place above the Ark in the sanctuary of Temple Beth El. It depicts Mount Sinai with the tablets of the Ten Commandments behind it and a crown of glory representing God’s kingship. The six points on the crown represent the six books of Mishnah, the first major work of rabbinic literature, dating to the 3rd century. The multifaceted bits of glorious color symbolize the diversity of opinions and ideas that emerge from the study of Torah. At the bottom are the red Israelite tents that were encamped around the mountain.